For the first 2-3 days, Garrett was pretty much aware of things. Since the plan was only to keep him on the ventilator until all the surgeries were complete, they kept him only lightly sedated. Therefore he was able to "mouth" words around the endotracheal (ET) tube down his throat, and could generally make himself understood. Frank, Janell, and Kevin were the designated "caregivers", allowed to visit in the hour before each public visiting hour.
This was Frank's entry in the wee hours of
Saturday morning, April 30:
It's almost 1AM Sat and we've come home for a few hours reunion with my C-PAP. Garretts final sheduled surgery has been completed, with no wiring the jaw shut. Definitely a praise report! maybe 3 more days on ventilator, the hopefully a step down room in 5 days. Your prayers are making us stronger, and I am humbled you would take the time to remember us.
And on Sunday morning, May 1:
Got another 6 hours sleep at home and headed back to hospital around 9AM. Garrett resting OK, per nurse, and all injuries, to the best of their knowledge have been addressed. What they are now wanting is his Oxygen levels to go up so they can start weaning him off the ventilator.
Since it was expected that Garrett would be off the ventilator soon, plans for Jennifer's funeral were put on hold, in the hopes that he would be able to attend. The funeral home preserved her, and were willing to keep her for a couple of weeks until Garrett was able to participate in the arrangements.
Monday, May 2
Started the day with news that Garrett's O2 level was at 76 (%). Not encouraging, not critical. But will keep him from coming off vent. Got down on my knees at 7:45 & asked God to please answer this prayer, so I would know He was hearing my pleas. I've never felt so distant from Him. I asked for a reading of 90 or above b4 we left the hosp. tonight. It went to 99 (%)! Cried and blessed His name all evening.
And later that day:
Garrett has been told of Jenn's homegoing. And to the amazement of everyone, he has remembered and comprehended it all. It was difficult, he cried and shook and rolled his eyes around and around. One day when I figure out how to right a short story on here, I will fill in the details. Thanks to everyone who prayed specifically for that emotional hurdle!
In the wee hours of Tues, May 3:
Update: Garrett had to have fluid removed from inside his lung this afternoon, and xrays do show the presence of pneumonia. He is and has been on an antibiotic that is appropriate and they don't seem real concerned. We had good communcation with him today when he learned he could write in the air easier than on paper. Will try removal of Vent tomorrow.
Garrett has Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, and as good as that is, it does have a one million dollar cap. He is easily racking up 25-50K a day, and 20 % co-pay is still a staggeing amount. Frank and Janell set up an account for him at Wells Fargo, as so many were asking how they could help. There are still glitches with the account, but deposits are being accepted with gratitude.
Several have asked, yes checks can be made out to Sandusky First Baptist, then add for Garrett Jones. We can't send receipts so cancelled checks will have to suffice. All funds go into his medical fund, which is in his name, in Hueytown Al, at any Wells Fargo bank in the country, the account also has mine and Janell's name on it as we will be using it to pay med bills or purchase new clothing etc. when he comes home. 1125 Haven Drive
Birmingham, AL 35214-3501
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