I have not written many posts lately, as I just wait for the Lord to give me something to write. I still reflect on all that happened since The Storm. Strange, but that now is our reference point for so many things. "Well, prior to the storm..." or "Since the storm..." and etc. At one time it was "Before kids..." or "Before grandkids..." or "Before cancer..." But again, I digress.
What I started out to say was that before April 27th, I struggled to write a couple of paragraphs to my sister in an e-mail. And my friend count on FB was around 30. And yes I had lost a son to cancer and did not realize how many people were watching our family, and especially me. But this time, for some reason, I kinda feel like David. Please know up front, I am not in any way strumming my own harp (sorry, I couldn't resist!) and just because my first name IS David, I am not even in the parking lot of comparison, much less the same ball park. But David was the least likely of the eight sons to become a King. No, I'm not announcing a run for office. But he simply made himself available when he got annointed by Gods messenger. God had already put His blessing on David before he left to take food to the soldiers. But then as David went to meet the giant, he stops long enough to get his sling and pick up five stones. Ever wonder why He got five? I have. He knew that God was going to deliver Goliath with one stone. So why pick up the other four? Any ideas? But back to my point. He made himself available and God used what David knew and was good at and used it. I never intended on this journey becoming what it has, and reaching as far as it has, and lasting as long as it has. I just picked up my computer with all my ignorance and inexperience using it (completely opposite of Davids expertise with a sling) and started to share with whoever would listen, my pain, anger, fear and hopefully faith. David had faith far beyond what I have. But God has used a nobody, to somehow spread His message for the day or the week. Have you made yourself availble for Him to do whatever? There may be a ministry that has your fingerprints or voiceprint on it that God is waiting for you to take up. It may be a ministry to the elderly, to cancer patients, to the illiterate, to widows. It may be a nursery worker or childrens Sunday School teacher. It could be a weekly visit to a nursing home to play checkers or read books to the residents. Whatever it may be, He's waiting for you to make yourself available. And every day you procrastinate, you are missing the blessings He promises. I get them in messages and posts every day just about.
Hopefully, this week will bring a response to the many requests I've had about sharing some insights on what kind of a son and person Garrett was. I've started a couple of times, but it gets hard to see the keyboard for some reason. Thank all of you for reading...........I'll be back.
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